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                                             Self Regulation                                            

By Delany Barrera  



    Although the article is short in length the message is loud and clear. Reading different research studies found that within the group of children  from low-income families, those who spoke a second language in the home  scored better in cognitive and standardized tests than their monolingual peers. As referred to Science Daily " Self-regulation promotes early language and literacy development." It is important to understand that through the observations of how many languages a child can speak can affect their predisposition in education.

How does speaking more than one language affect learning?

Well when a student is able to code-switch, self-regulate, and have cognitive advancements,  students have promoted early language development.

The studies were based on children in the States which consisted of more than 18,000 first graders and kindergarteners that were assessed for low-income earning families who spoke more than one language, bilingual or low-income families that spoke one language, monolingual.  The more exposed a child is to a second language the more possibility to enrich their learning journey. It may be confusing at first but when speaking at home involves translating, speaking a native language, and  different communication from an educational institution a child will develop self-regulation. Code-switching might delay language acquisition at first but TTP,  trust the process. Now being monolingual has its own benefits as well. For example, a higher fluency rate, increased retrieval and have a broader vocabulary when it comes down to speaking only English

Every child is different and learns differently but we should not slow down the process of learning a new language. That way they can express themselves by communication when it comes to working, making friends, and traveling as well. To self-regulate means to use strategies to adjust  cognition, time, and emotions. Regardless of socioeconomic status, a positive learning environment can help each individual prosper in their field while reaching beyond their potential.

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  “Language News: Unravel Weekly Roundup.” Edited by, Unravel, 3 June 2018,  


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